10 Horror Movies Based on Real Story

Experiencing ghost disruption is terrifying, but when it got worse and demonologist or ghost busters or whatever it is have to step in that probably means the death of you. Whether you believe in ghost or not, ghost disruption cases happened lots of the times and not only in movies. However, these movies listed below are not just movies about poltergeist or such, but they are all adapted by real horror stories. Let’s see if you have watched the movie and realized that it was real horror case. Here is the list…

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10 Best Science Fiction Movies in 2018

Science Fiction is a frightening things because maybe all the things are manifestation of our future world. It is not impossible that such things can be happen later as predicted by movies with that genre. There are a lot of fun, excitement, and tension offered by movies with that genre and these are the best of them during 2018.

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10 Best Action Movies of 2017

Looking for some actions? High tension? Shooting scene? An endless fight? Absolutely, these things are what you looking for. Full scenes of battle that will spoil your eyes and thrill your feelings. Fasten your seat belt and feel every inch of explosion from the scenes. Now, I recommend you to watch these shows toward the following list.

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10 Thriller Movies About Social Media and All Its Dangers

Social media is another world that live side by side with our world. If we go deeper to this virtual world, then we are going to drown into it. This world itself is a scary, addictive place, but what if we put crime or supernatural stuff in it. Could it get scarier that it already is? In order to answer that, you will need to watch these movies and see the answer by yourself. These thriller-genre movies show how scary the virtual world is if you use it in a wrong way. So here is the list…

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